The Pros and Cons of Driving


I thought I'd weigh it up, to me I think there are definitely more Pro's to Cons when it comes to driving...


  • The freedom and independence, you can go wherever you want whenever you want
  • Learn to be responsible, for yourself and others
  • Learn to save money and pay bills (for a lot of people having a car is the first big payment you make and have on going costs for)
  • Easy to transport with goods, never do you have to lug around shopping on the bus again
  • More reliable, no more public transport delays
  • It's quicker (this does depend on where you live, for example I live in a village with 1 bus every 1/2 hours that takes 45 minutes to the nearest town. Whereas my car is accessible at any time and takes 15 minutes.)

  • The cost of learning to drive and buying your first car
  • Upkeep on the car (insurance, tax, MOT, damage, petrol)
  • Being the designated drive
  • The environmental impact

I have loved the freedom that comes with being able to drive. It's only been a year, but I am definitely more efficient, plus it's good for your CV. 

Thanks for reading,

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