17 Days, 10 Hours, 53 minutes and 33 Seconds until Christmas, are you excited?
What is your favourite Christmas drink?
Hot chocolate by far, especially with added treats like whipped cream and marshmallows!
What is your favourite Christmas smell?
Oh it has to be cinnamon or spiced apple!
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Not really, although watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas is a must!
What's the one thing you really want to get from Santa this year?
Music, I love getting music just to add to my collection. Hopefully this year it will be The Great Gatsby soundtrack or Pure Heroine by Lorde.
Have you ever built a gingerbread house?
No, but my sister and dad did last year.
Who is your favourite person to buy presents for?
Probably my sister, as she is three years younger then me so I know what she likes and dislikes.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
Bjork, It's Oh So Quite.
What is the weirdest gift you've ever received?
Haha, this is just embarrassing. When I was younger (around the age of 8 I think) my grandparents bought me a packet of thongs, size 16. Let's just say my mum wasn't impressed.
Do you like to get dressed up on Christmas Day or stay in your PJ's?
I don't normally dress up much on Christmas Day as we have more of an event on Boxing Day, where the whole family visits for a buffet and drinks, of course. So probably pyjamas Christmas day.
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